Sunday, June 27, 2021

Solenoid No. 3 - Testing

 Well, it didn't take long to modify the 3D CAD design for the solenoid mount so it would take the smaller solenoid No. 3.    With only 3mm plunger movement, there isn't much to play with, so I designed it to fit right onto the ball, as it is easier to move the ball out than the solenoid:

The results are a bit surprising though. 

1) How does Pulse length effect ball distance?

Interesting to see that it dips a bit over the 24mS and 30mS values.  It is hard to judge 5mm with a moving ball, but I did do the tests twice.

2) How does the plunger and ball distance effect the distance travelled?

3mm doesn't give you much room for movement  :-)   At least no gap is easy to measure.  I did try some other values like 1mm and 1.5mm, but no gap was the best.

3) How does Output Voltage effect ball distance?

Now this one did surprise me.  I would have thought the distance would increase over voltage - like the other solenoids, but not this one!

Notes: The best performance is: 6V input, with an output voltage of 10+ volts, with a pulse length of 15 mSeconds with no plunger-ball gap.

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